I think I say this EVERY time I blog (which I know is few and far between..), but I can't believe how the time flies!
Avery is now a little over 7 months old! She's crawling, babbling, and cruising everywhere. I am absolutely amazed each day at how fast she's learning and changing.
I told Blake the other day, I'm not sure that I knew unconditional love until I met this little girl! It's such a wonderful feeling to be a mom.
Blake is staying VERY busy with work. He's been working every other night. I don't know what I'd do without my mom- she really helps me and keeps me company. He's on vacation next week, although we aren't doing anything big, we are going to spend the whole week just the three of us and I can't wait.
I ordered a new book today- A Symphony in the Dark. Really looking forward to it. It was co-written by a high-school friend and her mom. It is a walk through the few precious days she, her husband, and their family spend with Molly Ann, her daughter.
Molly spent just seven short days on this earth before she went to sing and dance with Jesus. I never got to meet precious Molly, but she has touched my heart. Her parents strength and faith in God is unfailing.
A Symphony in the Dark by Rebecca Mutz and Barbara Rainey is available at shopfamilylife.com
I am so thankful for my own blessings! I hope you're counting yours too!