Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back to Work, Going Back to Work

So, I went back to work last week. I know, I know- it's only part-time. It really isn't awful. I moved to the LR campus of SVI- and I like it. I already picked up some pleasant bug. Nice. So I really only worked one day, but I think it's going to be okay
(I'll just be honest- I fought this kicking and screaming like a toddler refusing to leave the toy section at K-Mart...)
All the dietitians are great.
I guess I'll make it. And Avery seems to not mind at all. She loves hanging with her Nana (and Grand-Nana).
Sigh, I guess she can survive without long as there's milk in the fridge.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hawai'i 09

We just returned from a trip to Maui, HI. Blake had an interview in Honolulu, so we made a quick little trip to the lovely Wailea Beach. We stayed at the same resort that Jon&Kate + 8 stayed to renew their vows. Our lanai actually overlooked the chapel and garden...
It was amazing! Avery was an angel. She slept on the plane, went to bed each night by 8 and slept 6 whole hours at a time! She rarely fussed! I could learn to live 3500 miles from family (maybe...)
It was really great to spend so much time with Blake- we never get that kind of time!
We took it easy most of the time, but we did find time to go to a Luau, a little town called Lahiena, Blake and his sib's went to the top of the volcano (A and I slept!), I got a solid tan on the front of my legs and hair line :)!

On a not so fun note, I go back to work in one week! I'd love to be a full time mom, but it looks like I also have to be a part-time dietitian for the time being.
Blake says two more kids and I can stay at home...hmmmm ;)!