Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TIme is ticking away...

Maybe I'll blog more after the baby is here....

So, not too much longer. Just about five weeks. It's very scary and exciting all at the same time. I got a little weepy the other day on the way to work. I was thinking about how excited I was about Avery making her grand entrance and meeting her and holding her and hearing her cry for the first time- and I got a little sad. Not that I'm selfish, but sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in how hard pregnancy can be. I thought back to the day we found out we were pregnant, and when she went to Italy with us- it was there that I felt her move for the first time, and now- a foot in my ribs and a tiny little bottom poking out of my belly. I think I will really miss having her all to myself. I know, I know it does sound selfish.
But I also can't wait for Blake to hold her and get to experience our blessing. I think he's going to be such a good dad- he's so fun and goofy. She's going to adore him. I can see it now- Blake and Avery singing at the top of their lungs. He's going to have her hooked on college football. And he's going to love her so much and always let her know how much- that is something Blake is very good at- letting you know how much you are loved.

I hope she loves us as much as we already love her... I hope we will be the best parents we can be. God has blessed our lives so much already, I can't believe he's giving us Avery.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Hot, Hot, Hot!

Ok, so I know that it's only the middle of July, but it already feels super HOT! Maybe that's because I am starting to get more obviously preggo- I think before people looked and me, shook their head, and thought "Oh, she really let herself go..." Now, it looks like I am walking around with a volleyball under my shirt (which wouldn't be as HOT) OR I have horrible ascites. I have made the bold statement that I will never again be pregnant in the summer. Blake just kinda looked at me a grinned... I think we were both thinking 'With our luck, it will probably be NEXT summer...'
Sleeping is getting a little less enjoyable- and ask my family- that is something I value and treasure dearly. Oh, but it's so uncomfortable. I'm way more comfy moving around. I don't know that there's much hope of that getting better between now and D-Day (Due-Day).

There isn't much change in the baby room progress. It's painted and there is a crib and a dresser/changing table. I'm very excited about ordering my glider chair. Courtsey of the great in-laws! Everyone should have one. Every time I think about it I cannot stop the uncontrollable urge to rock. Every morning before I go to work I have to go look at the nursery. So, Lou, Tanner, and I just go stand in there. I think about all the things that need to be done and how exciting it's going to be when she's in it, Tanner dreams of a stinky diaper pail, and Lou is working the quadratic equation- she just followed us in there to appear interested (Blake and I decided that while we are gone she reads all his surgery books).

Blaker is working A LOT! -but he loves it. He's so happy when he leaves and so happy when he gets home that I can't help but to be happy with him! I guess even though he's working all the time I can't complain because he's so chipper about it.

That's all I've got for now. Soon, I'll put some pictures on this thing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Very first blog!

Everyone says blogging is so much fun... so I think I'll try it!

To catch you up... Blake just finished medical school in May. He is now a surgical resident at UAMS... We are expecting our very first baby in October- a little girl (potentially named Avery).
I still work at St. Vincent's in North Little Rock as the clinical dietitian. I really like it, but I'm going part time after the baby and I couldn't be more excited!

I will post some pictures of the nursery-in-progress soon!