Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Hot, Hot, Hot!

Ok, so I know that it's only the middle of July, but it already feels super HOT! Maybe that's because I am starting to get more obviously preggo- I think before people looked and me, shook their head, and thought "Oh, she really let herself go..." Now, it looks like I am walking around with a volleyball under my shirt (which wouldn't be as HOT) OR I have horrible ascites. I have made the bold statement that I will never again be pregnant in the summer. Blake just kinda looked at me a grinned... I think we were both thinking 'With our luck, it will probably be NEXT summer...'
Sleeping is getting a little less enjoyable- and ask my family- that is something I value and treasure dearly. Oh, but it's so uncomfortable. I'm way more comfy moving around. I don't know that there's much hope of that getting better between now and D-Day (Due-Day).

There isn't much change in the baby room progress. It's painted and there is a crib and a dresser/changing table. I'm very excited about ordering my glider chair. Courtsey of the great in-laws! Everyone should have one. Every time I think about it I cannot stop the uncontrollable urge to rock. Every morning before I go to work I have to go look at the nursery. So, Lou, Tanner, and I just go stand in there. I think about all the things that need to be done and how exciting it's going to be when she's in it, Tanner dreams of a stinky diaper pail, and Lou is working the quadratic equation- she just followed us in there to appear interested (Blake and I decided that while we are gone she reads all his surgery books).

Blaker is working A LOT! -but he loves it. He's so happy when he leaves and so happy when he gets home that I can't help but to be happy with him! I guess even though he's working all the time I can't complain because he's so chipper about it.

That's all I've got for now. Soon, I'll put some pictures on this thing.

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